Monday, December 1, 2008

Deforestation: A Death Nell?

Recently I've been thinking about how crazy environmentalists are about trees. They seem to think that there aren't enough trees to do the job; in there eyes to stop global warming. But; if they were so serious about the CO2-O2 cycle, then they would be talking less about trees and more about algae. In a recent conversation with a friend I stunned to find out that he actually thought trees were the most important part of the CO2-O2 cycle; when in fact the most important part of this cycle is algae. This aquatic plant is estimated to be responsible for 70%-80% of Oxygen production. But you don't hear the environmentalists talking about saving the algae. I surmise this is because algae isn't as heart warming as a beautiful tree, and if they didn't rely on emotionalism they wouldn't be able to induct as many people because they would see what the environmental movement is all about: socialism. So next time some one says they are trying to save the planet; ask them about algae.

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