Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just Some Thoughts; WWI

   So much is taught about German involvment in WWI and the consequences which led to Hitler gaining power. But not much is ever mentioned about the involvment of the Ottoman Empire in the war.  I would venture to guess most poeple, at least not in America, know what the Ottoman Empire was, much less know it was involved in WWI.
   This seems an odd vaccuum of knowledge.  Maybe it is the fact that much of US public school teaching is geared towards European history.  Or maybe it makes some people feel less guilt ridden, since Germans are white and the Ottoman Empire was largely middle eastern.  I'm not sure.  
   It is odd; given that I was in a public school during the Gulf War, that they had not already begun to teach about the affects of the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI, given US trouble in the region had begun more than 15 years prior.  From what I know, public schools still aren't talking about this.  Almost everything I know on the subject is self taught.
   These were just some thoughts I had.  I had planned on discussing ethics V morality; but I guess that will be another post.

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