Friday, April 10, 2009

European Relations

    I have began to wonder why the government of the united states thinks it prudent to take advice on how to successfully run a Republic from countries such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom.
   France is a republic; but this incarnation has only been in existence since 1958; and is the fifth Republic formed in that country.  That is not a good track record on knowing how to run a sestainable Republic.
   Germany is a Republic; but this version of their Republic only dates to 1949, since their prior system was overtaken by Hitler.
   The United Kingdom is not a Republic.   They are a constitutional monarchy, without even a written constitution.
   So why does the united states government take advice on how to run a Republic from them?  Our Republic has been sustained since 1789.
   If they feel it prudent to take advice of any sort on how to run a Republic from any European country, then it would be best to take it from San Marino.  San Marino is the oldest Republic in the world, founded in 301.  That means while Germany, France and the United Kingdom were using the monarchal systems of the middle ages, San Marino was a Republic.  San Marino has had a constitution since 1600.  That means when France enacted their latest constitution the San Marino constitution was 350 years old.
  Do I think it's prudent to seek advice from San Marino?  No, for one it is much too small and does not have the same problems we do.  But I don't think we should be asking countries with such horrible records at running Rupublics as France and Germany or a countries which are not even Republics, such as Great Britain, how to run our Republic.  If advice is needed on how to solve our problems I believe all the answers are in or own past.   We need only look to that thing which has been gathering dust in D.C. these last few years, the Constitution.

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