Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Is Hollywood Oblivious or Enlightened?

As recent events are showing the united states to be skewing ever closer to what was only thought to be fiction Hollywood is doing something amazing; planned for release in the next three years are film versions of the novels: Atlas Shrugged, 1984 and Brave New World. How can the same people who are unflinchingly supporting President Obama make these movies now? Did they have a sudden realization of what is going on in this country? Is this round of films still only based on the hatred of President Bush? Or are they simply oblivious to what the theme of these novels is.
Atlas shrugged tells of how government control over business will lead to the downfall of the united states and the world. While our President takes it
upon himself to fire (force into resignation) the head of a privatly owned company (GM) and tell bank executives how much money they should earn.

1984 tells of government intrusion into personal lives through telescreens. At this moment the government wants to install a "smart grid" which could regulate how much power is available to you if they think you are consuming too much.

Brave New World tells of a one world government which promotes consumption of goods and reviles individuality; where the people are so conditioned (all be it through genetic engineering) that they don't even care. This at a time when our president is talking more and more about working with other countries, his state department saying we should ennact laws from other countries which are unconstitutional and the secretary of the treasury is considering complying with the requests to create a new world reserve currency.
For the three most anti-government novels of this century to be in the works while the government ever expands is simply amazing. If conditions have not gotten better by the time these films are released, Hollywood gets them right and the movie going audience understands what they are seeing; then that could be like a match being lit inside an oil tanker. I just wonder if anyone in Hollywood realizes that. Who is John Galt?

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