Thursday, October 30, 2008

Keep Your Liberty

Lately several people have posed the question to me, "why is socialsim so bad?" The short of it is because it take away individuality and free choice, it becomes about the collective. It gives government control over your entire being, the government will decide what's best for you, your health, your financial security, your thoughts; you become property of the government through proxy. So? It means I get free health care, home, etc. Well, free in the sense you may not pay directly for it; but you pay by proxy, someone else is paying for you; some one who is making more money than you. These people who pay, they are the ones who create jobs; the greedy rich. So let's play a little thought game; let's say I'm the greedy rich guy and you're the guy getting the government money; let's say I start off with $100 and you start off with $1. With my $100 I pay 10 other people $2, that means I have $80 left; of which the government takes $10, leaving me with $70. The government then gives you $2. So, I'm still way more rich than you, you have $3, I have $70. You spend $1 on my product and so do 3 of my workers, so now I have $74, you have $2. Again, I pay my 10 employees $2 each; now I have $54 dolars, of that the government takes $10; giving you your $2, you now have $4 I have $44. You spend $1 on my product, along with 5 of my employees. You now have $3, I have $50. Again, I pay each of my employees $2, leaving me with $30, the government takes $10, of which you get $2, I now I have $20, I'm still almost 3 times as rich you, but I cannot afford to pay all 10 empoyees or I would be broke, so I cut 5 jobs; and pay out $10 to my remaining 5 employees. See where this is going? It's deminishing returns. Of course this example is much simplier and quicker than reality, but this is how socialism works. Soon we are all equal, great right? Well, then who pays us? Well, the government of course, they bought my factory. Eventually once this happens to every business the government owns all the facotories; and we become communist.
"But what's so bad about communism?" We all get free healthcare and housing and a steady job. Well, now the government has too much invested in you, so to make sure we all stay healthy we need to all eat the same healthy food, wear the same cheap clothes, live in the same cheap building, work in an unsafe factory; to keep the cost down because there are no more rich people to tax to pay for the government. Now the government has to run like a business, but theres no competition, so it doesn't matter how they treat you. Sure, in a perfect world the government would treat us nice because it's the nice thing to do, but the world isn't perfect, so you won't get treated nice, you'll be a commodity.
But you say, "Well, the leader I elect to make us socialist won't be bad to us." Maybe, but you're giving them the power to do it, they may not use it, but that power is there now and you will have to fight like hell to wrest it away from the guy down the line who doesn't treat you right. The only way to avoid this is to keep that power out of anyone's hands, keep the power for yourself and your posterity like the people who founded these united states fought for and handed to us in the Constitution. Limit the size and power of government. Take respoonsability for yourself. Keep your liberty.

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