Friday, August 13, 2010


This is a point where I am split. The immigration laws we have now, they suck. Period. But most of the laws we have now suck.

First of all; illegal immigration is so ubiquitous because employers can pay them less than "minimum wage", which in itself is a horrible idea. If a company raises the minimum wage they pay, then it follows suit they charge more for the product, making the product cost more and then the minimum wage worker can't afford the cheapest product. EXAMPLE: people who work at fast food restaurants; most likely the most food they can afford comes from fast food restaurants, but if the fast food restaurants raise the wage by x, then they raise the price by X/number of employees, so prices remain essentially static. But if the company can pay people "off the books" to work for less than "minimum wage"; the prices remain the same or get lower. So that gives companies an incentive to hire "illegals" who they pay less.

Second; Quotas; seriously, the federal government comes up with arbitrary numbers of how many people can come from each country.

Third; The welfare state: The more free shit wee give away the more people are going to want to get this free shit. Hell, people do all kinds of demeaning shit for free stuff, that's how "Girls Gone Wild" exists, not to mention people trying to force a 72 oz steak into stomach designed to hold like 2 pounds at max.

First off, we have to reform the country and get rid of the shit that is so attractive, and stealing money away from the people who have earned it. Second; until we clean up our system, get rid of quotas based on country of origin, just have a quota for immigration as a whole. Third: Those who ignore the laws now ARE CRIMINALS.

Just like most things, I don't think there should be many laws about immigration; but those who break the existing laws should still be punished. Case in point, drugs, I think all drugs should be legalized, period. Unless someone harms another person while under the influence of a drug they should be able to use or abuse it as they wish. But I still think those breaking withstanding laws should be punished. The "grandfather" clause only exists for people who broke a law before it was written, not those who broke it while it was in force.

We need to enforce the existing laws to show people how shitty our system is and to motivate the change of said laws.

So, in summation; Open boarders is the plan, fight the order, but obey the laws now on the books or get punished for no. The civil rights movement didn't ask for immunity, they took their ludicrous punishment and showed the world it was wrong!
