1. Build Raods
2. Provide For Defense
3. Provide Courts
4. Provide Police
5. Regulation to enforce advertising and Contracts (so you know that things are "as advertised")
6. Powers granted in the Constitution
Things which are optional but the governement should slowly stop handling:
These things should evenutually become private charities
1. A voluntary scholarship fund for children to attend charter type private schools
2. A voluntary medical assistance fund for the poor and disabled
3. A voluntary monetary assistance fund for the poor and disabled
4. A voluntary food assistance program for the poor and disabled
How it should all be funded:
1. taxes should be collected at local levels and dispursed up to state and national level
2. If an income tax is levied, no more than .oooooo3% flat tax (each person is only 1 of ~300,000,000)
3. flat rate tax on all consumption, whenever a product or service is bought
4. All the above voluntary programs should funded voluntarily, not with tax dollars
That is it; nothing more. Now I know it will most likely never get this good during my life time, but we need to start shrinkning government, and maybe one day things can become close.
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