Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Government Revenue Structure

One hurtle which needs to be jumped in order to get the US government under control is to change the revenue structure. Right now,the money flows down; individuals pay the federal government and then they give the money to the states. That needs to be reversed in order to control spending and regulation. The states need to pay the federal government, and then the states will control the federal government instead of the backwards way it is now.
And likewise the states should be funded by the counties so the counties can control the states. If each individual county were responsible for funding the state they would be more active in policing the state budget. And this would give the local people more control on how funding is appropriated.
If a county with a large city wanted to have all kinds of social programs they could tax themselves to raise the money, and those areas that decide they don't want those programs wouldn't have to fund them.
The more localized the revenue structure the better it will fit the individuals and the more control it will give them.

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