Sunday, October 18, 2009

The underlying assumption

For every political argument there must be an underlying assumption. Currently both parties claim that assumption is freedom. But if we take that assumption to it's logical end, neither parties policies make any sense.
If one's underlying assumption is freedom, then ponder this: freedom comes from the right of each to do with their property as they wish. That property starts at their own body and extends to anything earned under contractural labour by them.
If one has a right to their own body, how can anyone deny them the abuse of that right; prostitution, drug use or anything else.
If one owns those things which are property by extension; what right does anyone have to confiscate that property? Most would say none, but are taxes not a confiscation of this property.
By the US constitution, the legitimate use of government power is the protection of rights. So, no matter how much things are needed by others, it is not under the constitutional right of the government to take from one and give to another.
Yes, people need health care; but if the government undermines property rights to give health care, what stops them from undermining property rights for any other reason?
We need a new healthcare system, but allowing the government to steal from people is not the answer; granting the government unconstitutional power never is the answer.

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